Super Window

Effect: The performer asks the spectator to pick a card without him seeing the face and replace it in the pack.

The pack is then shuffled and the performer is apparently unsuccesful in locating the card.

After a few attempts ,the cards are thrown against a window in a fit of rage, on looking at the window, the chosen card is seen to be sticking to it, even more surprising is the fact that the card is on the inside of the window.

Preparation : You will need two identical packs of cards and a willing helper.

Method : This trick should be performed in an area with a large window nearby and with the spectator facing away from the window.

The spectator is asked to choose a card from a pack , memorise it and without showing you , replace the card in the pack.

The pack is then shuffled and and a couple of attempts at "is this your card " tried followed by a look of disbelief when the spectator tells you that it is not their card ( this is all part of the act as you dont and dont even need to know the card).

After a few attempts you fake an angry outburst and making sure the cards are squared up , throw the pack broadside at the window, where they will hit the window and fall to the ground except the chosen card which is stcking to the window .

Your helper was already positioned behind the window and spectator and had an identical pack of cards. He was able to see the chosen card and took the duplicate from his pack.

A small piece of looped sticky tape or magicians wax was attached to the duplicate card and it was stuck to the inside of the window.

The helper should then have walked away from the window.

This trick creates a real surprise but it is important to pick up the fallen cards quickly and to pocket the original chosen card.

Magic Spell

This first sequence of cards will allow you to conjure up the card of your choice from any suit in the deck. In the example below, the spades have been set up in order for the magic spell trick to be performed with success. (You could use any of the other suits set up in the same sequence).

cards in order to spell

Set the cards in the above order so that the queen of spades is on the top of the pile when you hold them face down for dealing. You then spell A-C-E , placing one card underneath the pile for each letter of the card except for the last letter which is turned up to reveal the card you spelt.

Should you wish to successfully spell the whole deck of playing cards, then the pack should be set up in the following order.

Magician secret card dealing order to enable cards to be used for spell card trick.

Card magician can now deal and spell every card in the pile.

Free card secret to allow powerful magic tricks.

Playing cards ready in order for the card magician do a magic trick with cards.

You then spell A-C-E out loud, putting the A and C underneath the deck. You then turn the next ( E ) card face up to reveal the ace. You then continue on in this way until you have spelt the whole deck.

Credits to for this trick

Meet Your Match

Effect: Two cards are freely (yes, freely) selected and inserted face up in the deck in two different places. Magician runs through the deck and drops the face-up selected card and the face-down card next to it, on the table.When the face-down cards are turned face up, they are seen to be the mates of the selected cards in color and value.

Set-up: Put deck in “Best Friends” order. See below.

Performance: Spread the deck and have a card selected. Cut all cards above selected cardto the bottom. Have card removed and replaced on the top of the deck, faceup. Undercut half the deck and peek at the bottom card. If it is a mate tothe selected card, remember that the selected card is a before card. If it is not a mate, the selected card is an after card. Drop the cards in your righthand on top of the face up card. Repeat this 2 or 3 times; if you do it moretimes than that, it can be hard to remember what cards are what. Now runthrough the deck. When you hit an after card, drop it and the card after iton the table. When you hit a before card, drop it and the card before it onthe table. Flip over the cards, and they match. Be sure to explain the mateconcept before you flip over the cards.

Features: Cards cut as often as you like
Cards are freely chosen, no forces of any kind
Does not work on Rainbow Deck principle

Best Friends Order The deck is simply set up in pairs by value and color. Put the two red kings together, the two black twos, the two red jacks, etc. You can cut this deck all you want. The Best Friends effect wont be affected if a pair are separated, one on top and one on bottom. With another cut the order will right itself.

The Transforming Cards


Amazing audience reaction as four jokers amazingly transform into four aces, right in front of the audience.

You Will Need :
To make the gimmick you will need 2 matching jokers, glue, the 4 aces and some double sided tape, First take which ever ace you want and glue it back to back with one of the jokers so that you make a double sided card with the ace on one side and a joker on the other, and then place a small square of double sided tape (note that it has to be clear double sided tape) on the center of the other joker, the busy design hides it and that’s the gimmick made

How To Do The Trick :
Set up: start by having your three normal aces in dealing position in what ever hand that you feel comfortable with, Then place the double sided card on top “ACE side facing down”.When you have done this the joker of the double sided card will be face up!!! Then place the “sticky” joker on top of all that face up, That’s the set up complete.

Performance: Say to the spectator that you have four jokers, and continue to show them “this is where you do the elmsley count to make them believe that you have four jokers. When you have finished doing this count the sticky card should end up on top. You now continue and lift of the top joker and say “this guy is the leader of the pack, whatever he does, the rest will do” and turn him over on top of the bundle and give it that magic shake “ (""when you give it a little shake you are really pressing the middle of the top card so that the tape sticks to the next card ”) Now fan them out and they will see that all the cards are now face down, then say “ the real amazing thing about this is that I keep losing jokers when doing this trick and I have way to many aces " and turn them over one by one revealing all the aces to the amazement of your audience.

Get it Man!

Effect: The spectator chooses a card. After a series of shuffles the spectator spells a magic word and finds his card. But the magician never touches the cards from the start of the trick to the end.

The Trick: Hand a full deck of cards to a volunteer to shuffle. (Make sure it's a FULL deck.) Ask the volunteer to deal the deck into two piles. Have them choose one of the piles and remember the bottom card. Tell the volunteer to look at it but not to show you. Ask them to place the pile containing the bottom card on top of the other pile. Then ask the volunteer to deal the deck into four piles from left to right.

Pick up each pile and ask the volunteer if their card is in that pile. As you ask, reassemble the deck, making sure the pile with their card goes on the very top. Give the deck to the volunteer and have them deal the cards, one at a time face down on the table, spelling out the word "PRESTO". Have them turn the next card over. This is their chosen card!

The Restored Handkerchief

This title will doubtless apply to many tricks with handkerchiefs, so, if the performer thinks it too general, he can find another of his own for this particular trick. Herrmann called it Le Mouchoir Serpent, from the fancied resemblance to a snake which the handkerchief was made to take at one stage of the trick. For it the performer must have prepared a lemon, with a small handkerchief inside. The way to operate on the lemon is as follows: Cut off one end—the apex is the best—and then, by means of a spoon, take out the whole of the interior, being careful to remove the inner white skin. Push in the handkerchief, replace the portion of lemon which you cut off, and sew it carefully on with yellow cotton or silk. The first lemon or two are rather tiresome to prepare, but after a time the job can be done very quickly and neatly. The method of sewing which should be adopted is that known as "under-sewing," and it will be necessary to guard against including the handkerchief itself in the stitching. As the handkerchief placed inside is meant to be subsequently destroyed, it need be of the very commonest description only. It can be obtained for three-halfpence. On the centre table have a small scent-bottle, with methylated spirits, a lighted candle, a common plate, and a knife. Concealed in the palm of one hand are about ten pieces of cambric, each about three inches square, and properly hemmed. Under the vest is a piece of cambric two inches broad and about four feet long, doubled, not rolled, up. Behind the scenes are a couple of pieces of thin wrapping paper about nine inches square. In the hand not occupied by the pieces conceal the prepared lemon, and advance to the audience. Pretend to see something in a gentleman's hair, and, after fumbling in it, produce the lemon. Let several persons smell at the fruit, taking care to present the better-looking end, in case your sewing has not been very successful. Of course, the lemon must not leave your hand, except to be tossed once or twice in the air, to show that it is real. Place this lemon on a side table, and there leave it, with the sewn-up end from the audience.

Now borrow a small handkerchief, the smaller the better but do not take one that is much ornamented with lace Turn to a gentleman, and, whilst asking him to stand up, roll the handkerchief up carelessly in the hand, and, working it round the bundle of pieces which you have concealed, bring it underneath and let the pieces appear at the top. This can be done in an instant whilst you are talking with the person whom you wish to assist you. Give the bundle of pieces, which the audience will think is the handkerchief, to him, with instructions to rub it gently in the hands. You have, in the meantime, taken care to keep the exchanged handkerchief well concealed in the palm. Retire to the stage, and, whilst mounting it, vest the handkerchief and take in its place the doubled-up long piece, which keep concealed by means of the wand. Ask your assistant how he is getting on, and explain that you wish him to rub the handkerchief so small that it can be passed inside the lemon. After a little rubbing has taken place, ask him to open the handkerchief out, to see if it is any smaller. Of course, when he attempts to do so, it will drop about in pieces, to everyone's astonishment. Affect great annoyance, and advance, saying that the trick is now spoilt all through the handkerchief being rubbed the wrong way. Collect the pieces together, and, rolling them up, exchange them in the hand for the long piece. This exchange may at first seem very daring and difficult, but, if care is taken always to have the piece or pieces concealed well down in the hand before the substituted article is removed, there need be no fear of detection; only the performer must go right at it, and not falter in the least. Give the long piece to your assistant, and tell him to rub it this time with the left hand. Whichever way he rubs you must say is the wrong one, and finally ask him to give you one of the pieces that you may show him what you mean. In his attempt to give you one of the supposed pieces, he will unroll the long piece amidst much laughter. After suggesting that the gentleman pays for the destroyed handkerchief, rub it up in the hands and "pass" it into the lemon. For this purpose, it may be rolled up on the table, and passed down a trap.

Instead of "passing" with the hands, it is in every way neater and more effective to use a conjuring pistol, which is loaded with the handkerchief and then fired. This pistol will have to be provided with a large tin funnel, so constructed that the tube portion, which must fit the barrel of the pistol closely, extends for a long way inside the funnel. When a handkerchief, or similar article, is rammed into the funnel, care is taken that it goes around the tube so that, on the pistol, which has been previously loaded, being fired, the flash passes harmlessly down the tube. The mouth of the funnel must never, by any chance, be seen by the audience. These pistols, which are exceedingly useful at all times, can be purchased at conjuring repositories; but it is easy for anyone possessing an ordinary pistol to have it fitted with a funnel by a tinman.

Suppose the long piece either "passed" or fired out of the pistol, take the lemon and cut it open with the knife, and pull out the handkerchief that was already in it. Pretend to advance for the purpose of returning it to its owner, but suddenly discover that it smells of lemon. Say that you will put some scent on it, and, placing it upon the plate, saturate it with spirits from your bottle. Whilst advancing a step or two, to inquire if it is enough, your stage attendant enters and quietly sets light to the spirits with the candle. You turn back and nearly burn your fingers, and start aside horror-stricken.

A slight scene now takes place between you and your attendant, who insists that you told him to set fire to the handkerchief. Run down to the audience with the plate and its blazing contents, asking the owner of the handkerchief to take it in its present state. Turn back and drop it on the floor of the stage, and then go behind the scenes, where quickly take the original borrowed handkerchief from the vest, and wrap it in one of the two pieces of paper (it will add to the effect if you scent the handkerchief a little), which hold in the hand covered by the second piece of paper, open. During your absence your attendant has been dancing about, affecting to burn his fingers, &c. When the handkerchief is nearly burnt out, snatch up the remains of it quickly and pop it into the open piece of paper, roll it up rapidly and exchange for the real handkerchief in paper, vesting it at once, or a severe burn may ensue. This is done whilst hurrying towards the owner of the handkerchief, to whom you say that you have done the best you can, and are sorry that you have only the ashes of the handkerchief to offer; but that if she will leave her address, you will forward a new one in the morning, &c. Finally, you have the supposed ashes blown upon, and then tear open the paper, revealing the handkerchief. If you have scented it, call attention to the fact.

If I wanted to test a conjuror's ability, I should give him this trick to perform. No duffer could ever get half way through it; and yet, by attention to the rudiments of palming, &c., it becomes easy enough. There can be no two opinions about the effect produced. The principal portions should be rehearsed with your attendant.

A very amusing variation to this trick is the following: Purchase two cheap sunshades of a precisely similar pattern. They should be small, and the covers of light alpaca. From one carefully strip the cover, so as to leave the ribs bare, and, at the end of each rib, fasten a piece of cambric exactly similar to those used in the rubbing-away episode. This sunshade have lying upon the shelf at the back of the table, rolled up in paper. In one of the large side pockets have concealed the cover, rolled up and tied with very fine thread, that may be easily broken. Upon the table have lying a piece of paper similar to that in which the sunshade upon the shelf is wrapped. At the opening of the trick, show this sunshade round, and then proceed to wrap it up in paper, on the table. You will always have some extra sheets, and behind one of these the one sunshade is exchanged for the other. Give it to be held in the company. Then borrow a hat, and secretly introduce the cover, placing the hat on a side table. When the trick has proceeded as far as the discovery of the small pieces in the hands of the spectator who is rubbing the handkerchief, place them in the pistol and fire at the sunshade held in the company. Great amusement ensues when the bare ribs are discovered, with the pieces of cambric flying from them. These are then taken off, and the trick proceeded with, as before described, the cover being discovered in the hat at any convenient period. Break the thread, and shake it out well before bringing to view, so as not to suggest any idea of its ever having been rolled up tightly into small bulk.

Credits to for this trick


THE EFFECT: The magician holds out a popcorn box and shows that it has no bottom and his hands are empty. Spectators can even put there hand through the box. The magician (with a little magic) tips coins out of the box and hands them around for examination.

THE SECRET: Get a box of popcorn from say the movies, eat all the popcorn (or pitch it) and cut out the bottom. Next get a piece of posterboard or thick paper (must be white) and cut a strip to the size of the inside of the box (narrow side).

Glue it in there on the sides and bottom but leave the top open. Put some coins in there beforehand. Now show the box off and let someone stick their hand down through it.

All the time cover the secret opening with your hand. Now wave your hand or wand over the box and then in a swift motion, tip out the coins exclaiming "Anyone for popcoin?".

TIP: Do this trick at the cinema and make it fun, put enough money in the box for someone to get popcorn with! =P

Credits to Davis (Carlinville, IL, USA) for this trick

Google Vanish

THE EFFECT: The magician takes his spectators to the Google home page and puts his hands over the oo's and they magically disappear! At any time the magician can make them come back again.

THE SECRET: This is a very fun trick. There are many ways to do this illusion but this is the way I do it:

1. Go to:
2. Click the white space for the oo's to disappear
3. Click again for the oo's to re-appear
4. To cover up, double click and you will be sent to the real Google!

---Credits to Ryan (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) for this trick

Six Shooter

Place the four sixes on top of your deck of cards before you do this trick. You also need a pen or pencil and a piece of paper.

Remove the four top cards from the top of your deck of cards (These are the four sixes you put there already) and lay these cards face down in a pile in front of the audience. Then remove six cards from the deck and place these cards in a separate pile.

Tell the spectator that you read minds and tell them which pile they will choose. Write "You picked the six pile" on your piece of paper and fold it and put it right alongside the cards. Tell the spectator to choose one of the piles and then read the paper. No matter which pile is chosen the note is true. One pile contains the four sixes and the other pile contains six cards. After the trick is finished put both piles on top of the deck. Do not let them see both piles of cards.

Couch Levitation Trick

Effect: The assistant is brought up to centre stage. She is placed in a reclining position on a couch. Then covered with a large cloth.

She is commanded to rise. Once she has risen to a height of one foot above the couch, the couch is taken away and the performer walks all around the floating woman.

She continues to rise until she is well over the head of the performer. Then she slowly descends until she is level with the performer's head. Again she begins to rise. This time, the performer takes hold of the cloth and while she is rising, the cloth is whisked away. The woman is gone, vanished right in front of the audience.

The secret: The secret is in the couch (remember the couch from the above trick description?) and the rest of the effect depends on a mesh-like screen which is shaped like the assistant's body. As soon as the assistant lies down on the couch, the performer picks up the cloth which will be used to cover her. While this is taking place, the body mesh or screen is lowered over the assistant. Since the body mesh is clear, it is not seen by members of the audience. This movement is done by someone behind or off in the stage wings. The body mesh is moulded to resemble a woman, it is attached by four strings of invisible thread to a location controlled by another assistant. When the performer covers the woman with the cloth, it is the screen which is really being covered.

As soon as the woman is fully covered, she secretly slips into a hidden compartment in the couch. After the couch is removed to a backstage area, the woman gets out of the couch. Because the couch has played such a small role in the effect, most people forget about it.

The shape of the screen leads everyone to believe that the woman can still be seen from the audience. In reality, the trick is already done. Now the performer merely plays out his or her part.

The off-stage assistant watches the moves of the performer, lowering or raising the cloth covered screen as per the performer's commands. When the cloth is whisked away, the invisible screen can't be seen by the audience.

The body screen seems invisible for a couple of reasons, first the back ground or back drop is dark. Black is best. The mesh is made of a nylon material which can also be black or transparent. Either way the audience is unable to distinguish the mesh from the dark background.

It is usually a good idea to have the off-stage assistant raise the uncovered screen completely up out of view anyway at the conclusion of the trick, this keeps the stage area clear.

This effect is difficult for television, because the television eye can often pick up the movements. But this effect is great for a full stage presentation.

Voodoo Ash Trick

Effect: A name is written on a piece of paper on a notepad by the spectator, the paper is torn off unseen by the magician, crumpled up and placed in an ashtray. It is then set alight.

The ashes are then rubbed on the magicians arm and the name of the person written on the paper mysteriously appears.

Preparation : You will need a small notepad, pen, ashtray, lighter and a small piece of soap or wax.

Method: The spectator is asked to write the name of a person or favourite anything of theirs on a notepad.

Then to tear of the sheet of notepaper, crumple it up and place it in the ashtray, where the magician then sets the paper alight.

The magician takes the notepad of the spectator and should be able to see the imprint of the name written on the paper above in the next sheet of the notepad.

Looking at the pad should not be made obvious and some misdirection carried out while he carefully takes the small piece of wax or soap and writes the name on the imprint on his arm or hand ( this action should not be visible to anyone ).

The magician can then take some ash from the ashtray and rub it over the wax where it will stick and create an impression of the spectators word to their amazement.

This is a great trick but depends on the magician creating an atmosphere with an entertaining routine and patter about black magic to enhance the effect and create misdirection to allow him time to pull off the trick.

Coin Squeezing Into Small Hole

Challenge a friend to pass a 20 cent coin through a piece of paper with a 5 cent hole in it … without tearing the paper! When their frustration reaches a satisfactory level, show them how it's done. This trick is shown using a UK 2 pence and 10 pence coin which will work equally as well.

Square of paper shown with hole cut to size of small coin.

1. Cut a square piece of paper. Trace around a five cent coin and carefully cut out the circle.

It will be obvious to your victim that the 20 cent coin is much larger than the 5 cent hole but let them try before going on.

Paper is folded in half and the large coin placed inside.

2. Fold the paper in half and drop the 20 cent coin into the hole.

Papre is bent as shown to allow the larger coin to pass through the hole in the paper.

3. Bend the paper like this by pushing the ends of the folded paper towards each other and the coin will fall through the hole without tearing the paper.

What's going on?

This simple trick is stumper because most people assume the paper needs to stretch to make the hole bigger. You can't stretch paper so they either give up, or tear the paper and go red in the face. But a simple fold and a neat little bend makes the hole big enough for the 20 cent coin to slip through.You can add some patter that the magic coin felt that it need ed to lose weight and miraculously lost some weight in an instatnt to allow it to squeeze through the hole. The solution is pretty obvious once you've seen it so to get most enjoyment from this trick, use it to irritate your mates!

Small Objects Levitation

David Blaine demonstrated a classic object levitation on his TV special where he asks a spectator to watch while he picks up a leaf and causes it to levitate above his hand.

This appeared to be totally impromptu which made it even more impressive.

This type of levitation skill is performed by using "invisible thread" which can either be purchased as a proprietary brand from good magic suppliers or by separating some fine polyester thread into individual strands and using a single strand.

One end of this strand should be attached to some sticky tape and placed in the mouth between the gum and cheek or a high shirt button while the other end can be placed at the right moment to a solid object ( In David Blaines case, the tree.) The magician then stands at the correct distance so that the string is tight and the object ( a bill or a leaf) wrapped around the thread which is above the magicians hand.

This should look like the magician is just scrunching up the note in the palm of their hand.

By using very small movements of the head or body, the magician can then tighten the thread causing the note to rise and is also able to move his hands around the object to show that it really is levitating.

The object can then be made to return to the palm and be examined by the spectator.

The magician can then casually walk away, the thread breaking which is not a problem as it is cheap to replace.

This levitating skill trick is also performed more smoothly and discretely by use of an ITR which is used by professional magicians and which can be ordered online here by clicking the link above .

The Coin Reading

This works best in medium/large groups, try when out with friends in a bar. For this you need a friend in on the trick. Line up 9 coins in a square 3x3 on the table.

Look away and invite someone to pick a coin by touching it. Next pick there coin by having a friend place there drink on a beer mat or coaster in the corresponding position top left top middle bottom right, middle middle etc.

For added effect stare into the persons eyes your mind reading. Get a couple of friends in on the trick to avoid suspicion.

Static Snake Charmer

Effect: You remove a plastic straw from its wrapper. Using the straw as a "magic wand" you command the wrapper to dance around the table.

You will need: a plastic drinking straw still in its wrapper.


You tear off the tip of the wrapper and toss it away. Gripping the straw at the tip with the fingers of one hand, and firmly squeezing the wrapper with the fingers of the other hand, quickly pull the straw from the wrapper and drop the wrapper on the table..

Now, using the straw as a "magic wand", without touching the wrapper, slowly wave the straw over the end of the wrapper. The straw wrapper should sway around by itself as if in a hypnotic trance .

If the effect starts to wear off after a minute or two, you can re energize the wrapper by stroking it briskly along the straw.

This effect is due to static electricity. It is a real fun effect and works MOST of the time but can sometimes vary in effectiveness depending on weather conditions.

Cough Cough

Effect: The magician has a card selected and signed.

The card is then shuffled into the pack by the spectator and it is the magicians job to locate it.

Unfortunately the magician cannot seem to get it right, but after a few attempts, the magician seems to actually regurgatate a tightly folded card.

It is the spectators card, with their signature.

Preparation: You need a pen and a deck of cards.

Method: Have the spectator select a card from the deck and show it to the audience.

After the card is signed control it to the top of the deck by means of a Hindu Shuffle control or a revolving pass.

The deck is now held in the standard dealing position in the left hand ( with the chosen card at the top )

Get a finger break under the top card and palm it with your right hand immediately.

Flourish the rest of the deck with a one hand cut, or one hand shuffle with your left hand and offer it to a spectator to simply mix up the cards.

Make sure the spectator starts to shuffle because some stubborn people start to look through the deck looking for their card.

Then turn your back making this move seem natural to show that there is no possible way that you could know where the card is.

At this time you are folding the palmed card into eighths. ( The smaller the better ) This is easy, as your back is turned you can use both hands to do this and then slip the tiny package in your mouth between your cheek and gum.

Turn around to face the audience. As the card is folded so tightly in your mouth, you can talk normally.

Take the cards and act as if you messed up.

Turn over a couple of cards to reveal what was supposed to be their selection. The card will of course be the wrong selection.

Do whatever you want, just make yourself look bad .

As soon as people start to laugh at you, act as if your hurt, as if something inside of you is wanting to get out.

Make the audience curious, and have the suspense build up.

As soon as they reach their peak work the card out of your lips and and slowly spit the card out onto the palm of your hand.

Unfold it, and watch the audience scream as they see that it is the chosen signed card.

It looks as if you somehow swallowed the card beforehand and regurgitated it back up again.

This trick relies a lot on your acting skills.

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